DSL, Worthy Down

  • Chloe LeFore

    Aggie’s Pastoral Worker As a commissioned Lay Worker in the Church of England, Chloe is experienced in working with pioneering projects and reaching out to communities and people in need.

    Chloe has worked with children, young people and families in many different environments over the last 20 years.

    Her experiences through work and her personal experience of supporting her sister and brother in law, both of whom served in the Royal Navy, ensures that Chloe has a wealth of experience to help support those serving at Worthy Down.

    Outside of work Chloe has a passion for nature and photography. She is an active member at a Church in Winchester and attends weekly prayer and study groups and she sings in the worship team. Chloe enjoys a healthy lifestyle and is passionate about cooking.

    You can contact Chloe on Chloe.Lefore@aggies.org.uk

    or phone

    079 7764 1910

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